Elina Havu

Name change: Aito HSO becomes Skilla ry

Aito HSO changes its name to Skilla ry on 18th March 2021. Both working life and our member base are undergoing a change, precipitating the need for a new name.

Skilla reflects the multitalented network that we are. Along with the name change, we will open our new website and digital publication Online Magazine Skilla at skillary.fi.

The titles and job descriptions of our professional group have changed dramatically over the years. The transformation and digitalisation of working life have a major impact on the sectors we represent.

Our 51-year-old association has its roots in the alumni of the Helsinki Secretariat College, but since 2018, all professionals in administration and office work have been able to join, regardless of their educational background. Although HSO is left out of our name, we will not forget our roots: our new logo is based on the logo of HSO-sihteerit ry, the HSO secretaries association.

Our members are multiskilled pioneers of new work, for whom staying on the cutting edge of working life is paramount. Our trainings, events and membership benefits are all tailored to you, highly trained professionals in administration and office work.

Skilla ry is a name conceived by our members and the winner of our advisory member vote. The spring meeting of the association chose the new name on September 5, 2020, and the Finnish Patent and Registration Office approved it on October 7, 2020. The visual look was designed together with members, and a vote was also held on the logo.

The new website will feature an up-to-date English section.

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